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Released 11/2013 the buildguide is only for rev.1 - check for TTSH rev.2 this PAGE rev3 herelast Modification Date: 20.June 2017 - Voltage processor TL071 instead of LM301 updated 21-November 2024 for new design after server change BOM from me: BOM TTSH modified rev.1 Dokumentation: Schematic: TTSH-schematics.pdf (also avaiable on zthees webserver) PCB reference designators: thx to Muffwiggler Forum infos: (first page)
wiring from PSU to the module headers are wrong "silkreen error" +/- must crossed - doublecheck before power up modules, you find other issues in the second tab here |
Please read Buildings tips and known Issues site to save time and money.
I have completed few TTSHs and can share my experiences here.
you have to mark the pcb with labels or sticker by using Mods/bugfixes. otherwise you have to desolder parts.
PSU with DC-DC Voltage "regulator"
right picture shows the X-crossed ferrite bead to fix the -15/+15V silkscreen error,
cross one Ferrite on top pcb side - the ferrite on other pcb site (not shown here)
VCO testing - connect a + 15v cable to power distribution header and at the other side to the resistor as shown