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new ISE-NIN MANUAL ise-nin_manual_1.1.04_eng.pdf from 1410.JunMay.2023 2024 released by Black Corp. please use the BC website for latest infos: |
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new latest Firmware OS 1.1.0 released June2023ISE-NIN 4 released 10 May 2024 isenin_cm4_1.1.0 > including from Black Corp. This version is for prebuilt units and DIY Versions (DIY Version need the initial install as described at bottom of this page, before you can update to latest version)
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The DIY version uses the same firmware as the prebuilt versions. Prebuilt Users can ignore the Firmware update mechanism at the moment , because the firmware is still the same and up to date. (22.Dec.2022) |
On this Page are 3 Firmware installation guides described:
Instructions for Flashing
1.1 Connect STM LINK to the Motherboard with the ribbon cable from the programmer and connect the STlink programmer with your Mac or PC
1.2 Turn ISENIN on
1.3 Open STM Cube Programmer or ST LINK utility (cube programmer is the latest software, but STlink utility is fine too and often better)
1.4 Select ST-Link, select connect (which reads the ISE-NIN uC memory)
1.5 Select erasing and programming button (in STlink utility its "program & verify)
1.6 Browse select ISENIN 1.0.0_1.hex file from your pc/Mac. - Start programming *** (update Jun.2023 - use the latest hex file from the download at top of this page)
1.7Repeat 7 Repeat the procedure described above and select ISENIN 1.0.0_2hex Start programming as before (program and verify) (update Jun.2023 - use the latest hex file from the download at top of this page)
***you don't need to restart the ISE-NIN after first programming step, in case the ST-LINK tool hangs, just reconnect the USB cable.
1.8 Disconnect and restart ISE-NIN – its important to remove the Programmer from the ribbon cable - or the device will not start !!