as i started in 2004 the most light controllers was controlled with 1-10V and DMX, to control old 250W-500W PAR54/PAR64 cans and 14 moving heads and a lot of big scanners.. 2 other smaller rooms with a total of 32 scanners.
It was time to change the old analog stuff to RGB LEDs, new Movingeheads and everything was changed to digital controlled by a PC with touchscreen. Additional functions like recording and playback was a great help for a "disaster recovery process".
At all was the system in a "bad" condition, less maintenance , often outages of Sound and Light devices.
> at this time I worked in my daily job with IT Service Management and I started to bring my knowledge in the "Clubs"
One of my main goals was to start/implement a Riskmanagement for outages of the hole Club ! And furthermore develop Solutions for a lot of risks. From easy tasks - but planned: device service - every week, process driven services for repairs, maintenance of Mixers, Turntables, Amps, Speakers.
to more complicated tasks: "acceptance and continues improvements" – After less than one year the Crew and all involved people was successful in the processes and the outages of the Sound system and Light System was in a stable state.
Furthermore: Feedbacks with DJs, Awareness Talks with Djs, MCs, other technicians - about Gain Limits, Wiring (Notebooks with ground loop issues), It was a big issue that DJs connected their own devices and destroyed very often the Turntable ground cable and RCA cables (for example)
some impressions:
custom touch screen controller
RGB LED tubes with nice effects
RGB LED Stripe
i installed on the Main Stage around 15 controllers to change each section in different colour (sound to light with custom pc based audio analyzer)
videos and more later here