TR9090  - a 909 Clone without Sequencer

Startdate: 01.10.2013

Duedate: 03.02.2014

Manufacture link: 


More infos:


Files from 9090 project (download from projectwebsite)





9090userguide161102.pdf (user and construction guide)


Extracted in pdf view:





Building Steps:











Building issues:

BC559 BC549 have CBE pinout

its needed to bend and change the 2SA115 2SC603 pins from ECB to CBE

check replacement transistoren for matching.

replace dual trannies 2SA798  by BC559 or 2SA115 matched

Frontpanel Powerswitch

the frontpanel don´t fit to the case due to enough space for the powerswitch..

the powerswitch must insert on the rearpanel or order a new customcase

(wrong 19" rack ordered before)

Project cancelled: Milestones failed, not enough enthusiasm to finish a crap project.

a Roland TR-8 sounds very good and have a sequencer (wink)