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This page is for the 2018 release - the 2019 Issues list on a separate page (link soon - or check the left navigation - pages)

the following issues are for the PCB Version: Z17/10/Mk4. which is different to the newer Z19/09 mk4

Issue 1:

2019 PSU issue.pdf

ISSUE 2 PCB Version 3 from 2018


Derek spotted a huge trace error on the Z-board (at the circuit of OSCILLATOR 3).
He redesigned some traces at the new MK IV boards and forgot to remove an older link. So now we have a nice short between the -9V and +12V rails. A real #FUSEBLOWER

See the picture attached - you will have to cut the #FUSEBLOWER trace at the red double lined position.


Version 3 from 2018


Derek spotted another trace error. This time on the X-board (at the circuit of OUTPUT AMPLIFIER 1).
See the picture attached - The problem is R38 (2k7) connecting to C18.

You will have to seperate the corner (knee) from the straight line.
Just cut the straight line besides the knee and link both parts by a simple (insulated) wire.


Version 3 from 2018

As one of the Cloney builders reported, and maybe you also noticed meanwhile, there is an issue at the Elecronics-Kit.

Obviously i did not realize the shielded two core cable was not delivered as ordered.

At the receipt and at the pack slip the cable was named correctly, but in fact the cable lacks the shield.
I have not extra checked the appearance of the shield and trusted the documents. So i cut the cables from the spool and packed them to the kits.

Now i know, it was the wrong cable and i cant claim that anymore.
Please have a look at the two core (black) cable, if there is a shield or not. If not, you have to order at least about 4 - 5 meters of shielded double core cable.
If i would order and ship it, the shipping would be much more than the individual cable. So its not economic at all.

Thats why i beg you to order this by yourself.
I hope thats not too disappointing to any of you.

For the specs please see the attached PDF file.
Have a look at "2xAWG24"



Version 3 from 2018


