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Connect the Cable and patch as follows:

and set the Input level knob to 7


when you touch the keybed - the envelope trigger and CV should track in pitch.

at the keyed turn the Realtime knob- the pitch should change

read the manual at page 51 (and from 47 to the end)


  1. Set input level to around 7 on the Synthi

  2. make sure that at Row16 are 1% pins in the I/J patchpoint for example. (VCO1 and VCO2 OSC FREQ)

  3. Range switch has to be set on SEQ.



Bildschirmfoto 2025-01-06 um 15.19.44.png

The Keyboard generates three voltages:  

The Keyboard generates three voltages:

p is a voltage which depends on which key is touched, and is called the pitch voltage

d depends on how hard it was struck and is called the dynamic voltage. The dynamic voltage d is an inverted trapezoid which is normally used to control an output amplifier.

t is a trigger voltage to fire the Envelope Shaper.

Potis on the Sequencer:

The pitch about may be adjusted by the REALTIME PITCH SPREAD control pot, and determines the interval (tone, semitone, quartertone, etc) between each contact.

The trigger is switched so that the Envelope Shaper poti can be controlled either by the Sequencer or by the keys being touched; this switch is on the extreme right of the Keyboard controls .

The SEQUENCER PITCH SPREAD control enables you to tune the Sequencer independently of the Keyboard.

the Sequencer length pot should be at minimum to 4/5 - you can see the Sequencer step (time) at the Meter- just try it out.

Softbuttons/touch/foil key:

The RANDOM key plays a note at random when it is touched and is connected to the pitch voltage line.

When the Sequenncer is recording, it receives pitch and trigger signals and passes them straight through so you can hear what you are recording.

The contacts marked FIFTH, THIRD, TONE and SEMITONE raise the pitch voltage from the Sequencer when they are touched. The pitch change depends on the tuning, and it is only as stated when the tuning is chromatic (12 notes per octave) ; for other tuning, the FIFTH raises thepitch 7 notes, and the others 4, 2 and 1 notes respectively.

General info:

The Sequencer sends the direct or recorded pitch voltage to row 16 of the Patchboard so that sequences can accompany playing. (The vertical RANGE control must be switched to zero and only horizontal movements of the Joystick are effective when the Sequencer is used.) .