DDRM Expander

DDRM Expander

Successful Build : 04/2019 



it adds an envelope controllable Ring Modulator, Chorus, Tremolo, Delay, and Reverb effects. It is designed to work seamlessly with Deckard’s Dream, but it also works as a standalone audio effects device.






DD-EXP-BOM-REV1.0.1.pdf latest version for rev.1.0 and YOU MUST ADD 2x TL071 and 1x 4.7uF MLCC capacitor RM5
DD-EXP-BOM-REV1.0.0.xlsx (Old version) for rev.1.0

For all DDRM Expander : remove the 6N138 and buy 6N139 to avoid Midi issues (stucking notes)


rev.1.1 changes

the new PCB Version is 1.1 !! (midi noise fixed)

it use following changes which affect the above BOM, you have to respect this:

IC33 and IC37 is TL071 (DIP8)

C166 not in BOM 4.7uF ceramic (MLCC) RM5


latest firmware


It's for all Expander versions 


DDRM Expander VC Placement Guide V2 from Kevin Looney:

DDRM Expander VC Placement Guide V2.pdf


DDRM FAQ and Build tipps from Todd

Deckard’s Dream Expander FAQ and Build Guide V1-7.docx


Trimmer Values (was requested by a user)

SIG= 501 = 500Ohm

REF: 201 = 200R

0.2Khz =103 = 10K

2.5k = 103 = 10K


Further Build Infos (was requested by a user)

Distance between Panel and Slider/control PCB = 10mm

Distance between Controlpcb and analog pcb = 12mm


MIDI-NOISE FIX pictures:

only for DIY PCB Version 1.0

is fixed in DIY PCB Version 1.1


If you want a fix of your factory assembled Version, contact me 

Click expand for Pictures from rev1.0 pcb Modification FIX


Addional pics 2021:





Power LED Installation:

remove the 12V LED from the Card PCB and drill a 4,5mm hole in the frontpanel - which is the standard size for 3mm LED-holders (available in most electronic shops)



psu DC-DC alternative part: 

DKMW30F-12 meanwell (approval  - tested )

The DSP chip, potentiometer, AS3310, As3340 from Musikding too  confirmed


Case:  169 USD



First Design Concept:














Related content

how to bugfix: https://diysynth.wiki.dsl-man.de/wiki/spaces/SKM/pages/336101402/How+to+bugfix

non commercial pages, all infos are best can do without warranty, without liability.