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This is the home page for the XERXES Synthesizer from Black Corp.


Test of the Xerxes written by me !


(use google translate)


Xerxes Instruction Manual 1.1.1.pdf released April 2023



the Firmware and Installer is for MK1 and MK2 

Installer for Firmware:

Windows: Black Corporation Firmware Updater Windows.zip

Mac: Black Corporation Firmware Updater OSX.app.zip

Xerxes Firmware 1.1.1 (released April 2023)
Xerxes 1.1.1 release notes (mostly bug fixes found in 1.1.0):
1. Knob values displayed on the screen along with an indicator displaying which direction the original value of the preset is in.
2. Microtuning capability with Oddsound MTS software. https://oddsound.com/ 3. LFO sync to MIDI
4. PAT/MPE instead of CHP/PAT/MPE. Xerxes can now automatically determine if the controller is set to polyphonic or monophonic aftertouch.
5. Separate PICK UP, MERGE, INSTANT setting for control change (CC) 6. Filter aftertouch to envelope/frequency option
7. LFO retrigger on/off
8. Screensaver
9. Aftertouch curve options: Linear, Logarithmic, Exponential, N-type, S-type 10.Minor bug fixes
To update, download the appropriate Updater App for OSX or Windows, connect your Xerxes to your computer by USB and open the app.
From there, you should see Xerxes in the Device pulldown menu. Click open device. Next, click open firmware and navigate to this file. Finally click send firmware and wait until completed.
To update, download the appropriate Updater App for OSX or Windows, connect your Xerxes to your computer by USB and open the app.
From there, you should see Xerxes in the Device pulldown menu. Click open device. Next, click open firmware and navigate to this file. Finally click send firmware and watch it do its thing.

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