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Known Issues and Building tipps for yocto 808 Clone Batch2 - January 2014 pcb version


(the building instruction was updated to correct value on 10.2/11.2.2014)


R44 from 100k to 50k otherwise a 100k Trimmer to  change the„tuning range“ for TM1   (tick) validation July2014


unscrew the nuts from all pots/encoder or the board bends.


Snares:  R207 1K ,   R210  470K,   C68 33uF/6,3V35V

Rimshot: R295 1K, R327 470K, R330 470K, C126 33uF/6,3V35V

Low Tom/Low Conga:  R235 470K, R238 1k, C82 33uF/6,3V35V

Mid Tom/Mid Conga: R266 470K, C95 33uF/635V, 3, R239 1K

Hi Tom, Hi Conga: R291 470K, R294 1K, C109 33uF/6,3V35V

Hihat: R161 470K, R172 1K, C83 33/6,3V, R159 470K, R169 1K, C81 33uF/6,3V35V,

Master: all resistors, all Electrolyt caps ( 2x 2,2uF/50V, 3x1uF/50V, 33uF/6,3V353V)

Cowbell: R163 1K

Accent: all resistors to metall, C25 + C34 to Low ESR (2x 47uF/16V35V)

Cymbal: R166 1k, R128 470K, C78 33uF/6,3V35V

Handclap: R296 1K, R375 470K, C145 33uF/6,3V35V

Powersupply : all to metallfilm and all to low ESR caps ( 100R metall x 25  and 47uF/16V x25, 3x 100uF/10V35V)

powersupply main: C5,C7 2x 2200uF/35, C11 220uF/35, C12,C13- 100uF/35

=   4x 1uF50V 1uF35V (tick)

, 9x 33uF/635V,3V,(tick)

2x 2,2uF/50V,(tick)

27x 47uF/16V35V, (tick)

3x 100uF/10V35V,(tick)

2x 2200uF/35V, (tick)

1x 220UF/35 (tick)
