User Manual and Firmware
Firmware and Bootloader
check the download location: for updates, i prefer to wait few weeks before you install a newer version, or check the closed facebook group for comments.
official Firmware and Guide for rev.1 and rev.2 (not MK2)
Firmware installation procedure/guide: Software Loading Procedure R0.9.3.docx
latest Firmware 1.4 from December 2020 and stable for DDRM rev.1 rev2 (sometimes called as MK1) its NOT for the MK2
Deckard's Dream Xmas (Bundle with patches)
(just boot the DDRM in USB Mode and drop the above bin file in the USB drive and reboot the DDRM, works on Windows and OSX)
DDRM MK1 + MK2 (not DIY versions !)
DDRM MK1+MK2 Update Pack
Release Notes
Old version: this also contains the latest Bootloader ! (updated factory presets file and an extra presets bank by Michael Rosner (comes as a BANK2))
latest 3.0 Bootloader (rev.1 and rev.2 not MK2) (unzip the file)
Menu Structure:
MIDI Chart (MIDI Control Change Message Mapping for the DDRM)
Patch Editor
Deckard's Dream Patch Editor is now available.
Demo (free) version allows opening bank, patch, and voice files and viewing the slider settings for each patch. You can also control DD remotely via MIDI. It has built-in keyboard control (using your computer keyboard) and a CS-80 style ribbon controller. Full version can save files also and randomize the patches.
Download link (Windows only):
User Manual (PDF):
latest DDRM Editor (for free)
Max for Live (for both Mac and Windows), macOS Standalone app and Audio Unit MIDI FX plugin.
"wo last things before I leave:
1 - While the 1.0 has been working well for me, software for me is always a work in progress. If you find any proper bugs or issues, please email me via the Contact form on the website or leave a comment on this post. I'll keep an eye on it.
2 - The AU version was built using a free Juce license so you'll see a nice splash image for Juce in the corner. I'll fix this once start working more with AU / VST plugins and get a proper license."
J.F Editor Plugin
link: Rita and Aurora
to get the full power of your DDRM use a polyphone Midi Keyboard with poly aftertouch.
the DDRM can analyze the "new" MPE protocol over Midi.
just try a Roli Seaboard or a Linnstrument
more MPE devices are listed here:
Important: Ableton Live 10 don't support MPE - you have to change the DDRM Midi Mode otherwise you get some problems with hanging Notes or freezes.
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how to bugfix:
non commercial pages, all infos are best can do without warranty, without liability.