Power Solution Part 2
last and final update 05 Jun.2013
- 15 MTA 100 connectors for Synthseizers.com each 30-80cm.
- +15V, -15V each 1 ,5A, 5V 1A
- expandable to MOTM Connections like oakley dizzy board and further modules like cotk, curetronics.
- IEC Connector with Fuseholder and Powerswitch on cabinet side
- Linear Powersupply dual1.5A
Powersupply Linear 79,40€ + 51,87€ shipping (stand am 25.05.2013)
Stand am 27.05.2013 85,26€ + 51,87€ +TAX 26,05€! = 163,18€
Power regulator 5V/1A 5€
cable for connectors multicolour: = 15€
cable for 230V 3×1,5mm² * 1m = 3€
MTA 100 Connectors * 30 & MTA100 Connector Caps/Dust Cover * 30 = 20€
IEC connection. switch and fuseholder -reichelt FEH 2101 8,80€
Fuses 1€
Connection Board – PCB´s 6€
shipment for order 7€ +5,60€
shipment customer 6€
working time ~3hours – 50€
small parts, bold holder, cableshrink,screw, tin solder,
Total arround 260€
how to bugfix: https://diysynth.wiki.dsl-man.de/wiki/spaces/SKM/pages/336101402/How+to+bugfix
non commercial pages, all infos are best can do without warranty, without liability.