2019 summary
Most DIY Projects was delayed or not finished..
ENIGMA was announced (Arp2600 inspired synth) - still in progress
DAVID half of the system is done -still in progress
TTSH v4 was released
RSF KOBOL Clone 9month delayed (have to complete mine)
Kijimi was released by Black Corp (with few month delay)
2019 run of Cloney VCS3 clone with 6month delay (last parts was sent to users in december19)
RE-606 by Paul Barker was released
Jan Martin Koehler released his PLAITS in MU and MOTM format (DIY and assembled)
I made in the meantime some MU Format modules.. and still offer this for sale in 2020 MOTM300 in MU Format
Haible Triple Chorus and Haible Tau Pipe Phaser and 2 own new cases - this cases types are planned to sell in 2020
furthermore i renovated my basement, in a separate room is my DIY LAB yet and the studio was upgraded with some new gear.
I installed in my X32 Mixer a MADI card which is connected to the new RME fireface UFX+, all audio paths run thru 3 patchbays.
in December was the iConnectivity mioXL installed, which offer 10USB hosts and up to 12 MIDI DIN i/o connections. (click to enlarge)
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how to bugfix: https://diysynth.wiki.dsl-man.de/wiki/spaces/SKM/pages/336101402/How+to+bugfix
non commercial pages, all infos are best can do without warranty, without liability.