BOM for rev.5 and 6a
This BOM is NOT for the rev.6b !!
BOM for TTSH 1601 from JMLS rev.5 (sold in December 2017)
(old rev.1-4 in left navigation or here: Buildguide rev.1-4)
(about the small 3x 45mm sliders: the FM slider (R14) in the middle is 100K log. (ignore the google doc BOM here)
the excel card miss all offboard parts:
633-CWT12AAS1 Powerswitch
6.3mm stereo jack (socket)
power input for DC powersupply
unofficial mouser cart from me, last update 14.Jan.2017 and approved my me.
(not listed in mousercart: you need a 15V-24V DC wandwart PSU - 115AC/230V AC to 12-24V DC with 1A or more)
13.Jan.2018 Powerswitch missing, fixed in above mouser cart on 14.Jan.2018
14. Jan.2018 you need 2x 100k lin PTL45 slider and 1x 100K log PTL45 slider, the google docs file is incorrect for that, but mouser card is corrected.
release notes REV.5 (short version)
the most important change are all switches
17x G-628S-0001 gateswitch and SW22)
1x GF-642-6010 4PDT switch
2x 629-GF-326-0001
the Slideswitches
1x GF-342-0037 not stocked, but you can use this: GF-642-6010
2x LM3046M SMT instead of CA3086 THT (rare part)
1x MC14528 SMT instead of rare THT Version
how to bugfix:
non commercial pages, all infos are best can do without warranty, without liability.