40.6 Frontpanels and FP parts

40.6 Frontpanels and FP parts




http://www.schaeffer-ag.de -> Frontpanels &  Tool FP Designer  1+

http://www.bigbluewave.co.uk/resynthesis/resynthesis_home.htm -> Frontpanels in U.K   1+

http://thebeast.co.uk/      Frontpanels

http://www.soundtronics.co.uk/laser-engraved-laminate-synth-panels/   MFOS  pcbs, Frontpanels and more


http://www.synthcube.com   pcbs, panels and more 1+




for scratchrepair:

micro-tools.de   -> Lackstift, Painting  Artnr.: L51123


Frontpanel Templates:

1U HPGL 11-13-07.fpd

2U HPGL 11-13-07.fpd


Template for small knobs:

Small knob HPGL 11-13-07.fpd

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