


Projecttitel: RE-606

Status: DONE

Startdate: 11/2019

Duedate:  01/2020

Manufacture link:https://shop.re-303.com

Build Guide:


RE606_BOM_191022.xlsx (First version)

RE606_BOM.v1.3.2-RLS.xlsx (latest version with mouser part numbers)

Cases are bought by kumptronics

CPU was from pixie (included in the RE-606 pcb order) 

mouser card: (not approved from me)


add the tactile:  688-SKQEAA 

(wrong here is the 22pF capacitor !!

also the 0.47UF is wrong - its bipolar in the mouser Bom instead of polar ) 

another mouser card is available:


  • Mainboard

    • CR97 -> R97(4k7) and use C110 (1NF parallel)

  • Tom board:

    • CR305 ->  R305 (4K7) and use C329 (1nf parallel)

    • CR308 -> R308 (4K/) and use C330 (1nF parallel)

  • The jumper wire strip from the alpha BOM was slightly too short, looks like it was updated in the latest BOM to 3 inch, but I would recommend maybe even getting the 4inch instead of 3inch :

    • 571-FSN-23A-8 (Mouser)

  • The scale switch - while this is by no means correct, this will work - just need to wire it to the board, and its quite small compared to the hole in the cases etc

    • 611-SS-24E06-TG5P (Mouser)

BOM help:

Fuse Resistor 2.7ohm = R237 in PSU:

Mouser:  PR02FS0202708KR500



in case you dont have the SCALE Switch and want test the RE606 with a Workaround (Bridge Pins instead of a Switch)

, you have to Bridge the switchchassis holes with a cable at the outer mounting holes (same in Re303 ) - otherwise the GND pads/traces of the Instruments  are not connected 

Discussion about the Scale switch:

Install CR97 (1nF) and R106 from the bottom side otherwise the Mode Switch will not fit.

BU -battery   Wire port 28 (not sure what to expect here but I measured somewhere around 6VDC iirc)
6VDC    Wire port 30
15VDC    Wire port 33
5VDC    Wire port 34


Issue 1: (see service notes from Roland to check the correct layout) 

please respect on the switchboard D404 is in wrong orientation, as described in the BOM


On the switchboard are the capacitor designators wrong labeled !!

C1 = C401  1uF/50V Electrolyte polar

C2= C402 10uF/50V Electrolyte polar

C3= C403 100uF/16V electrolyte polar

CPU update/firmware/bootloader

in case you want upgrade the firmware, you have to update the bootloader.

I´dont give support about the update processes since I bricked my CPU while updating it and ended in a installation of an original CPU 


1.4.3 Version:

bootloader:               bootloader.1.4.3.syx                        

REEMU              reemu.1.4.3.syx                        

1.30: don't use it (buggy)

1.20 Version

bootloader:              bootloader.syx                        

REEMU:              reemu.syx                        

Related content

how to bugfix: https://diysynth.wiki.dsl-man.de/wiki/spaces/SKM/pages/336101402/How+to+bugfix

non commercial pages, all infos are best can do without warranty, without liability.