Teltonica TRB500 notes
Requirement: You want change the mobile mode from default "NAT mode" to bridge mode or passthrough mode
Failure in manual: The manual is wrong about the Mobile Mode change to bridge or passthrough, by just warm restart, settings are wrong and the mode wasn't changed successful - some settings are still available (firewall and LAN DHCP settings)
(in my case was the passthrough on but firewall was still visible and the functionality was wrong)
Correct steps to change the mode:
there's no Fallback WAN setting, ignore the manual
check that a DHCP is running/configured in LAN
go in WAN settings and click on the mobile mode button- select the passthrough mode - do not save/apply- before you made the setting for the next step:
copy your routers WAN port MAC address in the WAN settings box which only is visible when you have chosen the mobile mode: passthrough.
save and apply, wait 1minute.
turn off the device by removing power, just a restart doesn't work !!
after reboot you see that some settings isn't available like firewall settings
Antena config for a 4x4 WIMO:
from rear view: (left to right)
Cell1 Main (Antenna1) Cell2 Main (Antenna 2) Cell2 Aux(Antenna2 DIV) Cell1 Aux. (Antenna1 DIV)
Management RMS:
It's highly recommend to use the RMS - remote management system which offer great help for "Try&Error" testing and more.
download a backup from the TRB500 to your local storage on a PC/MAC.
create a account and book a one month support
in case of wrong configuration its often much faster to just upload in the RMS
VLAN setup:
everything was tested in "mobile - NAT Mode"
It was not possible to create a VLAN to my router.
Config example:
The best way for me, turn on the passthrough mode and connect a management switch/router.
the router from Mikrotik was configured with the quick setup mode in router mode.
German help for Mikrotik VLAN
Mikrotik VLAN Konfiguration ab RouterOS Version 6.41
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