DSL-man website worst case recovery method
not funny but important !!
everyone must die, sometimes earlier sometimes later, in case of an casual vacancy of me is the responsible root server owner: Bernd Dau from Germany (Koenigslutter)
he have access on the rootserver.
it's not needed to be a confluence skilled admin to bring back Admin permissions to another person or make an backup or get all data to install a new system.
few solutions to get Confluence Admin permissions or get receive all data to
A: hack the database entry (easy for most sys-admins)
you need an user account or must know a user (lets say UserA) and you must know the password of UserA.
2. shutdown the confluence application (tomcat_directory/inst/bin/stop-confluence.sh)
3. copy in the database the password hash from the UserA to the user from me (username: LED-man)
4. start the confluence (tomcat_directory/inst/bin/start-confluence.sh)
B. contact Checkmate (from Germany) or Martin Jan Koehler (from Austria) - both have Confluence Admin permissions (in planning) (they don't have rootserver access)
they can export every Space to a zip file - then they need to install a new confluence and import the space exports, the exports contain all content & attachments)
(my System use 15 spaces (DSO, TTSH, SOLOMAN and more)
that's how I backup my system atm.
C. contact a IT-Consulting company which is Atlassian Partner - they know some other tricks
D. standard way for migration or server movement: export the database (sql) and export the (home and inst) directory - copy this on the new server.
but you also need the Confluence Admins to get Admin access in the webapplication.
good to know:
1.the global export function do NOT work, because the system is too big
2.some pages are hidden for users (ttsh, cloney )they are restricted by groups - only Confluence Admins can change it.
worst case: system is down - you can't read this page
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