Minimoog Restauration

Minimoog Restauration


Projecttitel: Minimoog Restauration

Status: DONE

Startdate: May 2014

Duedate: March 2017

Manufacture link:

after service

1. Optical issues basic todo:

de-assembly the main components like chassis, knobs

Cleaning all Parts

2. electronic:

unplug the voicecards to check the condition of contacts, trimmer


replace all electrolyte caps with new caps

replace all rectifiers with new one

Midi Interface

external Kenton midi, no internal interface needed

Poti replacement:  open

5k lin:  tune, 2x oscfreq, cutoff, amount, 2x sustain, main vol, HP vol, glide   = 10

25k lin: mod mix, 3x osc volume, noise  = 5

50k rev audio vcf emphasis = 1

1m audio: 2x decay, 2x attack, ext. audio in= 5

=total 21 


50k audio  modwheel

25k lin pitchwheel



http://www.keyparts.co.uk/index.php?option=com_virtuemart&page=shop.product_details&flypage=flypage.tpl&product_id=32&Itemid=55   = 52,13GBP

big knobs: http://www.smallbearelec.com/servlet/Detail?no=739   ca.1,20$  needed 2 =2,40$

small knobs http://www.smallbearelec.com/servlet/Detail?no=1194  0,85$  needed 19 =16,15$

pointer : http://www.bigbluewave.co.uk/resynthesis/yusynth_front_panels.htm#Classic%20Style%20Knobs   1,95GBP needed 6 = 11,7GBP

otherwise all from www.bigbluewave.co.uk/resynthesis/yusynth_front_panels.htm#Classic%20Style%20Knobs 

Good Documentation:


2x Standard 1" Classic knob each = 3,5GBP

2xpackages  Skirtless 3/4" Classic knob 10 Pack = 29gbp

6x Pointer Classic knob each = 11,7GBP

total = 44,2GBP = 55€

other Minimoog Parts:

http://www.caesound.net/  -> spring contcats kit 75usd, knobkit 89usd, screws 7usd (lefthand controller, back screw kit)

http://www.syntaur.com/moog_minimoog.html   --> key bushing with shipping 52,45usd

http://pw2.netcom.com/~arcsound/  -> black bushing  with shipping 50USD

Austria: http://www.virtual-music.at/webseiten_d/zubehoer/moog_d.htm   grommets 50€

Bushings: https://www.vintagevibe.com/shop/synthesizer-key-bushings-synth-key-bushings/    25USD

http://www.thisoldsynth.com/ -> optokey

minimoog pots:

from CAEsound.com

5K Lin - Tune, OscFreq, Cutoff, Amt, Sustain, Main & HP Vol 028 058

25K Linear - Mod Mix, Osc Volume, Noise, Pitch Wheel 028 014

50K Audio - Mod Wheel 028 015 (+ $10.00)

50K Rev Audio - VCF Emphesis 028 016

1 Meg Audio - Decay, Attack, Ext Audio In 028 021 (+ $3.00)

Banzaimusic.com  have the same pots for sale:  

http://www.banzaimusic.com/PEC-MIL-MO-LIN-5k.html   (5k lin)   16,35€

http://www.banzaimusic.com/PEC-MIL-MO-REV-50k.html (50 rev log)  16,35€

My Minimoog:

after restauration

Minimoog Trimmer:

more Files: (general files for servicing of Model D)

Related content

how to bugfix: https://diysynth.wiki.dsl-man.de/wiki/spaces/SKM/pages/336101402/How+to+bugfix

non commercial pages, all infos are best can do without warranty, without liability.