secret area - elector vocoder

secret area - elector vocoder

Known Issues Prototyp:


  Resistor R99 must be mounted more to right


820pf instead of 1NF - not tested

Extended Backplane - RU80068.1X

♣For the extenden version of the vocoder (the model with the sybillian expansion) cut the connection between pin 4 (carrier I) & 5 (carrier J) on the solder side of the PCB. Do not cut the connection between pin 2 (voice G) and pin 3 (voice H).
This is only applicable for the prototyping boards.
♣Cut the trace leaving pin 12 left from the connector labeled LOW (left from the LP connector)

Do this both on the component side as solder side from the PCB.
This is only applicable for the prototyping boards.


♣Do not install C76 & C78 for the 3 connectors on the left, labeled COM, DET & NOISE.
This is only applicable for the prototyping boards.

♣Polarity indication electrolytic capacitors (e-caps) are inverted on silkscreen for the following parts:
C77 (apply 15 times)
C78 (apply 12 times)

This is only applicable for the prototyping boards.
♣The negative voltage indications on the left side are exchanged:
-15 should be read as -5
-5 should be read as -15

Failure on PCB 9 = Detection board

Trace error

The RED trace is wrong

cut the trace behind R44

Then make a new connection.

drill a hole and connect the trace from upper side to the solder side, as seen in the picture the small "via"

Project description:

building notes:


Panel Patrick:

modified Patrick without 19" mounting holes, jacks modified for cliff


Datasheets parts:

Related content

how to bugfix: https://diysynth.wiki.dsl-man.de/wiki/spaces/SKM/pages/336101402/How+to+bugfix

non commercial pages, all infos are best can do without warranty, without liability.