Projecttitel: Progue
Startdate: 02/2021
Duedate: 03/2021
Manufacture link: https://jsisynth.com/products.html
PROGUE is a monophonic analog DIY synthesizer inspired by the two well-known vintage synthesizers: ROGUE and PRODIGY. While both of them had their pros and cons, the goal with the PROGUE was to combine their best qualities into a single portable tabletop synthesizer.
The prime focus was maintaining those specific sound characteristics that still makes them desirable today and to add some of the features we always thought they lacked.
From independently modulated PWM and Oscillator Gate Sync to passive High-Pass Filter and precise Fine-tuning of the Oscillators, PROGUE delivers it all without forgetting the modern self-evident functionalities like Polychain via MIDI.
Specs: (click to expand)
PROGUE-REV-A-BOM.pdf (last version February 2020)
Digikey: https://www.digikey.fi/short/4720z1
make sure you order the Tempcos from Digi-Key : ERA-V33J101V
and order the case from Digi-Key or mouse, see above BOM (pdf)
the ribbon cable is pretty expensive, so if you like to make your own, just switch the pre-made in mouser cart to FM connectors 2x17 (34)
LM393D should be 511-LM393ADT
alpha 9mm not in card available from UK-elektronik
2x C1M
1x C50K
ID | date | issue | solution | fixed in production version |
1 | 26.1.2021 | info- ribbon cable | its cheaper 15cm is fine NEVER use Floppy disk cables - this are not 1:1 pin assigned |
2 | INFO | ic pin out | DAC and LDO is upside down, all other pin1 top-left or check dadatsheet |
3 |
| C95A is C15A1 C95B is C15B1 on pcbs |
| |
4 | 26.1 | bom change (last version is A) | R210 was 1k5 now 1k (SMT led resistor) C95a1 and C95b1 changed to: C95A and C95B added one dip8 socket to bom | |
5 | 26.1 | install S7 at the end of the build - for prototype version only !!!
| |
6 | 06.02-2021 | check that no traces are under the slide switch tabs, and check for traces under the potentiometer tabs. | bend or cut them. ( Janne agreed that he change the pcb - production run don't have traces under the switch tabs and pot tabs) | unknown |
My Build:
Related content
how to bugfix: https://diysynth.wiki.dsl-man.de/wiki/spaces/SKM/pages/336101402/How+to+bugfix
non commercial pages, all infos are best can do without warranty, without liability.