TTSH Gatebooster
The TTSH needs a Gate AND Trigger signal with 10/11Volts, otherwise it wont work as designed with external GATE Signals only.
here was the idea born:
i offerin my shop the bare pcb and the assembled Gatebooster version:
in case of the version with midi implant connector, connect a 1M resistor from ground to Pin3 of TL072
preferred Solution:
use a screwdriver or other sharp tool to cut a trace - marked with a blue X in the bottom picture. (dont drill a hole - its a 4 layer pcb)
Connect the gatebooster input with a cable from the GATE Input jack from the ttsh.
connect the the TRIG header to the TRIG on the gatebooster.
You don´t need the GND pins ! (except for power)
Install a 3 pinheader in the 6 pol pinholes on bottom of the 2x 1uF electrolyte capacitors in the ADSR section and put the gate booster pcb power input on this 3 pin header.
the pcb sit on top of the IC from the AR section. make sure your gate booster pins don't touch any other parts. if needed install a 10mm or 12mm metalspacer as shown in my picture (on left bottom hole only)
other solution for external usage
This Solution use 3 jacks of the multiples:
drill 2 holes in the pcb and mount brackets with woodscrews, cut the TIP/HOT traces for 3 jacks at multiple connectors , use one ground (you dont need 3 grounds) connect the cables (gatebooster input, gate output, trigger output)
connect the gatebooster power from a module section (there are 6 solderholes, 2x3 rows - test with a voltmeter the voltage output/polarity)
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how to bugfix:
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