TTSH Waveshaper and Suboscillator

TTSH Waveshaper and Suboscillator

In June 2017 "fuzzbass" released a new Addon for the TTSH, a Waveshaper circuit board with Suboscillator, your TTSH get with this board all waveforms at VCO 1 and VCO 3.


The Board is compatible with all TTSH Versions.


muffwiggler post:



BOM: (updated on 21.sep.2018)

LM301 not avaiable in DIP/DIL format from mouser



Build Guide

TTSH Shapers R1c Install.pdf





Mounting of the PCB on top of the Filtercard:

One Resistor Pin (next to the VCO1 Out) is very close with the hole for the Spacer (use plastic washers by usage of metal spacer or plastic spacer)



my build:

i tested the waveshaper board for fuzzbass in a rev.3 Version and it works great.

The pcb is mounted on top of the VCF - on 2 Spacers mounted.




if you need help i can modify your TTSH with this mod.


the Panel was prepared with white transparent tape from the front and the drilled from the front - it was easier for me to setup/mark the correct alignment from front.


I used thonkicon jacks instead of the supplied jacks (with the pcb)







i only used the Suboscillator output jack and the Suboctave switch (no offset switch, external source jack), on right side its the latest rev.4 build from me.





Use plastic washers on both sides of the PCB if you use metal spacers, otherwise the screw can cause a short at the resistors


as you can see there, I used shielded coax cable to connect the sawtooth output (VCO3 and VCO1), the grounding MUST be only at one end - I used the sawtooth output jacks, that's different to Antonys guide (I connected it after the resistor)











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