Kleesequencer in 5U
Kleesequencer in 5U
STATUS : done
Startdate: July 2012
Duedate: 12-2014
Manufacture link: http://electro-music.com/forum/forum-155.html
unfinished Kleesequencer - work in progress (click to enlarge)
internal info: left switches for Demonstration only, top and button exchange to LED holders
Frontpanel parts:
16 | 50k lin | pot |
3 | 1M lin | pot |
3 | 100k lin | pot |
16 | SPST | ON-OFF Pattern switch |
16 | SPDT | ON_:OFF_ON Gate Switch |
8 | SPST | ON-OFF |
2 | SPDT | ON-ON |
2 | SPST | (ON)-OFF (pushbuttons) |
1 | SW43 | SP8T Rotary |
19 | 6,3mm jacks | 3pole swiitched |
22 | LED rot |
Copy from em: "I used the Toggleswitch 1 pole ON-OFF-ON, flat toggle for the gate bus switches, and the Toggleswitch SPDT flat toggle for all others. I recommend to use the miyamas though, as they have superior quality. "
how to bugfix: https://diysynth.wiki.dsl-man.de/wiki/spaces/SKM/pages/336101402/How+to+bugfix
non commercial pages, all infos are best can do without warranty, without liability.