Oakley Croglin VCF
Oakley Croglin VCF
Parts needed to order:
Description | Seller |
| Quantity | Each | Total | Ordered | Received | Payed CU |
Potis 50k lin http://www.banzaimusic.com/Alpha-16mm-split-shaft-50k-lin.html | md |
| 3 | 1 |
Poti 1k dual lin stereo | md |
| 1 | 1,79 |
| ||
Passive Components | reichelt, homestock |
Building Guide and BOM: (download here, or see attachments)
Usermanual & Calibration
how to bugfix: https://diysynth.wiki.dsl-man.de/wiki/spaces/SKM/pages/336101402/How+to+bugfix
non commercial pages, all infos are best can do without warranty, without liability.