Yusynth ARP 4072

Yusynth ARP 4072

It was my first DIY Build - so sorry for the building quality

added a second DIY project 2014 with better quality..

Attention: for bridechamber pcb (SA798) version,  the output is wrong.    correct:GND to TIP,  Signal to GND

BOM parts..

4  x 47k Linear Poti für others (freq, Resonance etc)      banzai Alpha 16mm FS 50k lin

2 x 47k Log Poti für Input Level  banzai Alpha 16mm FS 50k log

6  x knobs

6 x female 6,3mm mono (switchcraft 112AX or equal.)

pinheaders/connectors or hard wire linking to frontpanel


Building details

Japanese dual transistors version


2k2 trimmer


 Reichelt Parts ohne Frontplatten poti etc:


Bleed through FIX (high esonance and tracking is better too)

this means unsolder the left leg of R43, solder a wire this leg and connect this wire to the wiper lug of the second potentiometer of the dual-gang pot.




Schematic from Yusynth




how to bugfix: https://diysynth.wiki.dsl-man.de/wiki/spaces/SKM/pages/336101402/How+to+bugfix

non commercial pages, all infos are best can do without warranty, without liability.