Oakley Triple LFO

Oakley Triple LFO


Buidersguide from 2014:




The Oakley Triple LFO  have 3 Little LFO pcbs..



the LFO3 works as a LFO with ultra low frequency, this can enabled by using the toggleswitch..

the other 2LFOs runs normal but its possible to sync with lfo3..


Building Tipps:

all 3 pcbs needs power, all pcbs are ready for MOTM and dotcom power,

in my case i have soldered one MOTM header on the third lfo pcb, dotcom header on the second. - all pcbs are connected hardwired by 3cables.





how to bugfix: https://diysynth.wiki.dsl-man.de/wiki/spaces/SKM/pages/336101402/How+to+bugfix

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