Triple LPG in MU Format

Triple LPG in MU Format


Projecttitel: Triple LPG in MU Format

Status: finished

Startdate: 04/2020

Duedate: 05/2020

Update 12/2024

Manufacture link: http://www.naturalrhythmmusic.com/lopass.html

check my page too: Buchla Lopass Gate 292c


Panel and PCBs from Synthcube:



Update 2024:

to latest 3.4 pcb version (synthcube edition)

Muffwiggler Thread:




BOM Switches:

3x 3P3T Switch: mouser: 612-1003P3T1BM1QEH (was used in prev. build but not available in Germany atm.

update 2024 switches:



and 3x


Important INFO: the hole of the Audio Out must be changed (drilling) to the panel border side otherwise the switch and jack are too close and will not fit in a correct alignment.




normally you don't need the TL074 and the resistors around.. look in the schematics - its only for the CV and Audio "Mixer" - which isn't needed here.

Lopass Gate Parts List.pdf



the following wiring do not match with the schematics ( I didn't used this wiring !!) please look in the schematic as described 



(the wiring was used by me for the Triple LPG - but you must turn the switch 180degrees that it match with the panel silkscreen)




I used 10KA Potentiometers for the bottom mixer, I just connected from each LPG output (output jack) the signal to the bottom mixer poti, an 1K pullup resistor on the wiper



Take care on the Jumpers (routing with or without CV/Audio Mixer)

in my configuration I used  the direct way - without the mixers.

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how to bugfix: https://diysynth.wiki.dsl-man.de/wiki/spaces/SKM/pages/336101402/How+to+bugfix

non commercial pages, all infos are best can do without warranty, without liability.