Mfos Sequencer 16Step

Mfos Sequencer 16Step


Here starts a building of a Mfos16Step Sequencer in MU Format

finished Nov.2013








BOM for Quote:

Knobs: http://www.musikding.de/Bakelit-Knopf-16mm_1  ??


   32x alpha 16mm full 100k lin   Diameter hole: 6,9mm      - drill  7mm

      2x alpha 16mm full 1M   Diameter hole: 6,9mm  drill 7mm

Jacks: http://www.banzaimusic.com/Amphenol-ACJS-MV.html  Diameter hole: 9,9mm  - drill 10mm

Led´s:  5mm LED Holder Diameter - drill 6,4mm

Switch:   http://www.musikding.de/Kippschalter-SPDT-1x-UM-flacher-Hebel  Diameter hole: 6,1mm  drill 6,5mm

Rotation Switch: http://www.musikding.de/Drehschalter-1-Pole-12-Stellungen-gekapselt    Diameter hole: 10,6mm   drill - 11mm

Pusbutton Switch red and black: http://www.musikding.de/Drucktaster-SPDT-schwarz   Diameter hole: 11,4mm    drill 11,5 or 12mm



Pcb Parts: see Child page

Technical Docs and more:

source : http://www.musicfromouterspace.com/xxx



how to bugfix: https://diysynth.wiki.dsl-man.de/wiki/spaces/SKM/pages/336101402/How+to+bugfix

non commercial pages, all infos are best can do without warranty, without liability.