VDD 3007 active Splitter & buffered Multiple

VDD 3007 active Splitter & buffered Multiple


Projecttitel: VDD 3007


Startdate: 01 September 2017

Duedate: 15. April 2018

Manufacture link: this page

contact me if you are interested in a PCB/Panel set or an assembled Module

PCB/Panel Set:

Here´s our first MOTM DIY Module from VDD, the VDD 3007

An product corporation between Dr. Dipl.Ing Timo VDD and DSL-man.de

VDD is the „Brand“


The VDD 3007 contains 2 functions:

2x 7 Channel buffered Multiple ( 2 inputs with each 7 outs or one imput with 14 outs)

2x 7 Channel active Splitter     ( 2 inputs with each 7 outs or one imput with 14 outs)

2U MOTM size (88,52mm x 222,25mm)

Easy to build, no wiring !

skiff friendly


powder coated aluminium panel with silkscreen

MOTM power -15V/15V

Power consumption: max. 90mA per rail

Buffered Multiple, Use Case desription

if you have many VCOs and only one V/oct signal, you can´t use a normal multiple otherwise the signal source device output shutdown or you get a faulty 1v/oct signal:

our Solution is the buffered Multiple

buffer your CV signals, dont loss your V/oct precision

"route your 1V/oct signal to the Buffered Multiple (IN A ), patch from each output to your VCO 1V/oct input"

Audio Splitter, Use Case desription

if you have more than 1 VCF, you can share the Audiosignal from your VCOs and connect it to 7-14 Filter (VCF).

or share your VCF outputs to different mixer, effects



( please respect the copyright, IP - its not allowd to copy our circuit idea as is is or sell assembled devices commercial without our permissions, only DIYSYNTH.de has the permission to sell assembled Modules commercial.)

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how to bugfix: https://diysynth.wiki.dsl-man.de/wiki/spaces/SKM/pages/336101402/How+to+bugfix

non commercial pages, all infos are best can do without warranty, without liability.